List of Analyses
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Bulk Density
Bulk density is needed when calculating carbon and nitrogen stocks. It is also an indicator of compaction, which can hinder root growth and lower productivity in your system.
Elemental Analysis
Carbon and nitrogen contents of your soil enable quantifying their stocks and give an indication of soil health. We measure carbon and nitrogen using dry combustion on an elemental analyzer after sieving, homogenizing and grinding the soil to a fine powder to exclude coarse fragments and get the most accurate representation of the soil sample.
Soil organic matter is extremely complex. We get a lot of additional information about a soil by separating it into distinctive components
that function differently and have different levels of permanence. Our team are world experts in this technique and using it to further our understanding of soil organic matter dynamics to best inform management decisions.Read more about the distinct fractions and why separating them and the way in which they are separated matters here .
Water stable aggregates
Soil aggregation is a structural property that impacts water infiltration, gas and material exchanges. Our water-stable aggregate analysis gives a measure of the average soil aggregate size (mean weight diameter), which often correlates directly with organic matter content. As a bonus, aggregates help protect organic matter from decomposition, increasing its permanence. The more stable the aggregates, the more stable the carbon!